Rainbow FAQ

Questions & Answers

Have questions? First, read our answers to some of our most frequently asked questions we get. If you have more questions, reach out to us!
Where can I obtain a replacement owner’s manual?

An owner’s manual for your Rainbow System can be downloaded by clicking here.

What is covered under the rainbow warranty?

Rexair provides to its independent Authorized Rainbow Distributors, a written four (4) year warranty on the Rainbow Cleaning System and attached accessories and an ten (10) year warranty on the SRX Rainbow motor/electronic controller. These warranties do not cover normal wear and tear arising from the usage of products, such as belts, HEPA Neutralizer, etc. The local Authorized Rainbow Distributor offers an extended service labor warranty through its Factory Authorized Service Center.

Will you work on my Rainbow if I have bought it online?
We provide the highest-quality support and maintenance to all original Rainbow purchases. Maintenance plans are a benefit exclusive to authorized Rainbow purchases to ensure that purchases made through authorized distributors receive the best service possible. We do not condone or support third-party or online sales to protect our customers and team-members, as these are unauthorized and unsafe purchases.

If you’ve been taken advantage of with an online purchase, please contact us for support in upgrading to a factory-authorized Rainbow. We look forward to servicing you and your Rainbow system for years to come!

Can I safely purchase a rainbow online?
We do not condone or support third-party or online Rainbow purchases. If you are interested in investing in a Rainbow system, you likely prioritize healthy indoor air quality and a safe breathing environment. Without proper knowledge of what the Rainbow system was used to clean or the cleaning methods used on the machine itself, it is likely that hazardous chemicals or contaminants remain. Moreover, concerns may arise regarding the Rainbow’s origin and history, including prior ownership or use in settings that could pose a health hazard. It is vital to take these factors into consideration when investing in the health of your system and your home.
In what locations can we complete a demo?
We are happy to travel anywhere in the state of Utah! Our representatives travel throughout the state. Give us a call to schedule your demonstration and find when a representative will be near you.
How long is a rainbow presentation?
Our representatives have 60 – 90 minutes dedicated to serving you and letting you use the Rainbow system in one room for free. They will happily stay longer to answer any questions or provide additional support.
Can I take my rainbow to a hotel when we travel?
Certainly, it is highly recommended to bring your Rainbow when traveling. We suggest thoroughly cleaning the mattress, comforter, floors, and carpeting to ensure a hygienic and comfortable environment.

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